Beware of falling coconuts

Aventuras en el sudeste asiatico

lunes, julio 24, 2006

Beware of falling coconuts

Vaga, vaga, vaga
Asi soy yo. Tres meses en Malasia y ni una foto, ni una linea, ni una nada.
Como de Praga, que excepto un amor completo y sin faltas (me lo ha dicho un senor en un templo chino) no me llevo ningun souvenir.

Vaga, vaga, y mas vaga, que le vamos a hacer.


Lazy, lazy, lazy
That's how I am. Three months in Malaysia and not even a picture, not a line, not a thing.
Like from Prague, except from a faultless and complete love (a man from a chinese temple told me that) I am not taking any other souvenir with me.

Lazy, lazy and more lazy, and what can we do about it...


Blogger Nacho said...

Ummm.... I'm writing the very first comment in your still virgin blog... I like it! Congratulations for the blog!

Eso si no seas una vaga y perezosa y actualizalo de vez en cuando, pero nada de fotitos de cocoteros, queremos carnaza, cotilleos y fotos porno :-)

4:33 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hey hey girly,
nice story, nice blog, I remember the bag with the sign: 'too many boys, too little time'.... hm hm hm would love to be there with you and touch the priest as the worst examnple the mother can give to her child.

3:20 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

7:30 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

5:54 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

12:25 p. m.  

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