Alemania, que pais!
Cuando mi mama vino a visitarme a Chequia, dijo que estaba claro que era un pais tercermundista porque los pasos de cebra no estaban bien pintados. Claro que si hubiera sido Suecia, mi mama hubiera dicho que tambien es un pais tercermundista por alguna otra razon (la nieve?), y con el sano proposito de hacerme regresar al hogar.
Eso es el aeropuerto de Munich. La puerta de embarque del vuelo a Madrid de Lufthansa, para ser mas exacto. Y eso que se ve es cafe y te gratis. Con sobrecitos de azucar y crema. Y periodicos. Si, si. En la puerta de embarque de un vuelo a Madrid!
Sera que estoy acostumbrada a volar con companias de esas que se plantean poner un senor en el avion que te cobre para ir al bano, pero no puedo ser la unica que esperaria que alguien robase todos los sobrecitos de te (pa casa), que el suelo de alrededor de la maquina estuviera pringoso de cafe por culpa de alguien que se olvido varias veces de poner el vasito debajo y que una maruja aprovechase para llemar un termo (pal camino)
Y hasta aqui puedo escribir. Porque me da verguenza reconocer que me puse dos tazas toda emocionada y que me quede cinco interminables segundos mirando como una paleta la maquinita automatica que se come la tarjeta de embarque. Que adelantos, senores.
When my mum came to Czech to visit me claimed that I was living in a Third World country because the zebra in the streets was not properly painted. Of course if I were living in Sweden, my mum would have said that I live in a Third World country with a lot of snow. My mum really wants me back home.
Well, so today I have to act like a mother and state without any proofs that Germany is the best thing in Europe. Actually I have never been there, but look at the picture.
That is Munich airport. The Lufthansa boarding gate for a flight to Madrid. And the thing you can see in the picture is free coffee and te. With cream and sugar. And newspapers. In the boarding gate to fly to Madrid!
I'm probably too used to fly with that kind of companies that any day from now will hire somebody to charge you in your way to the toilet, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that in the situation just presented would expect somebody to steal every teabag. I would expect the floor around the machine to be sticky because somebody tried to obtain the coffee without the cup (several times) and I definitely would expect some lady to fill a huge recipient with coffee (for the plane).
And I'm not going to write more. Because I'm embarrassed to admit that I served myself two cups of coffee and I look for five very long seconds to the amazing machines that take and cut your boarding card. The world moves really fast.
¡Jo! En Frankfurt no tenemos eso...
girl, you are always welcome and I'll show you more and different and other amazing things of my dear home country good old germany :)
well, I dont really understand why you have never mentioned sausagess and pretzels. hello!!!!
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