
Siendo turista uno hace estupideces. Y no estoy pensando en alemanes, cerveza y Mallorca. Siendo turista uno entra en una tiendecita en Hong Kong y sale tan feliz con cualquier estatuilla hortera que podria conseguir en los chinos de al lado de su casa. Siendo turista uno se calza deportivas, se pone crema solar, gafas de sol y gorrita o panuelo en la cabeza, rinonera of course, y se pasea como en la jungla por un mas que civilizado centro comercial de Bangkok (Y se hace fotos!). Siendo turista uno come guarradas, uno dice frases como “como se llama la ensalada esa de gusanos?”. Te imaginas a tu madre diciendote cuando eras pequeno, “a ver… quien quiere el ojo de la lubina?” Bueno, pues cuando eres un turista te planteas si las flores que hay alrededor del pollo se comen, y si te dicen que si, te las comes.
Eso de la foto se llama durian y es “el rey de las frutas”. Huele mal, sabe peor y en general es una guarrada pringosa que solo querrias comer si estuvieras perdido en una jungla Malaya y un leon te obligara a punta de pistola.
Bueno, pues esta servidora ha comido la cochinada esa. Y no solo una vez, porque Eric, el gracioso que me invito insistia en que congelado sabe mejor. Asi que tuve que comerme dos: uno congelado y otro no. El segundo solo por educacion. Hay que ver que estupideces se hacen tambien por educacion.
Cuando veia estas cosas en los concursos de la tele, la gente zampando cucarachas y demas, y el presentador diciendo que es un plato exquisito en alguna republica congolena siempre me habia imaginado unos turistas rosaditos y regordetes sonriendo a la camara con la boca llena de insectos y unos cuantos cocineros negros muertos de risa en la cocina y uno diciendo “eyeyey, acabo de cazar una lagartija en el retrete, van 30 rupias congolenses a que tambien se la comen”
Eso pensaba… hasta que mi buen amigo Sandeep pronuncio esta frase “ey… alguien quiere el ojo de la lubina?” y acto seguido lo cogio como quien coge la ultima patata frita y se lo metio en la boca.
En otro post explicare en detalle lo de los sesos de mono.
PS: Nacho, te acuerdas de la croquette en Eindhoven? MUAHAHAHAAA, nos vamos a reir cuando vengas.
Being a tourist, you make idiotic things. I’m not thinking of German guys, beer and Mallorca. Being a tourist you enter a little cute shop in Hong Kong and go out carrying some horrible Buda statue that you could buy also in any Chinese shop in your home town. Being tourist you slip into your sport shoes, cover yourself with sun cream, sun glasses and a rag on the head, put a little bag in your belly and walk around in a more than civilized shopping mall in Bangkok like if you were in the jungle (and take pictures!). Being a tourist you stuff yourself with disgusting things, you say sentences like “how is it called the worm salad?”. Can you imagine your mother saying to you and your brothers “so… who wants the eyes of the fishy?” Well, when you are a tourist you ask around if you can eat the flowers decorating the chicken, and if somebody answers “of course” you don’t hesitate to do it.
That thing on the picture is called durian and it is “the king of the fruits”. It stinks, it tastes yucky, and in general it is a sticky disgusting thing that would only consider eating if you are lost in Malaysian jungle and a lion forces you with a gun.
Well, I have proudly eaten that crap. And not only once, because Eric, the guy that invited me insisted that it is better frozen. So I had to eat it twice: one normal and one frozen. The second one just to be polite. It is unbelievable the idiotic things you do to be polite. (Eric, if you are reading this, I loved it!!! ;))
Remember this TV shows, where people eat cockroaches and stuff, and the conductor says that it is a delicacy in some parts of the world? I always imagined some pinky fatty tourists smiling with the mouth full of insects and some black cooks laughing in the kitchen, and one of them saying “eyeyey, I just hunted a lizard in the toilet, I bet they will also eat it”.
I was imagining that… until my good friend Sandeep pronounced this sentence “ey… somebody wants the eye of the fishy? And right afterwards picked it up like somebody picking the last French fry and put it in his mouth.
In another post I’ll explain the thing with the monkey brains.
hey,that picture is not durian ..it's 'cempedak'.. kinda different from durian ;)..
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