It is good to be back 'home'
Vuelvo de la India con un sindrome postvacacional un monton de anecdotas y una faringitis (no me quejo, me podia haber pillado algo peor).
Y sabes que es lo mejor para el sindrome postvacacional? Que la recepcionista te diga que tienes un paquete y que por una vez, al menos por una vez, no soy una ingenua por pensar que alguien me ha mandado un regalito. Gracias Nacho!!
I came packed with funny stories from India, along with a laryngitis and a post-holiday depression (I don’t complain, at least the laryngitis could have been something worse).
And you know what is definitely the best thing for the post-holiday depression? The receptionist telling you have received a package and for once, at least for once, I’m not stupid for thinking that somebody has sent me a present. Thanks Nacho!!
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