Beware of falling coconuts

Aventuras en el sudeste asiatico

viernes, octubre 13, 2006

Adios, rascacielos

Volver a Europa va a ser muy duro. Para mi y para los que me rodean. No es solo el trauma que supone dejar mi habitacion de decenas de metros cuadrados en el estupendisimo condo con palmeras y piscina y una vista que vale dinero para volver al modesto a la par que bohemio agujero que alquilo en Praga. No es solo el perder de vista las langostas de a dos euros y volver a la carne con patatas, quitarse la adiccion del roti con lentejas al curry de las mananas y volver al café de maquina, asumir que voy a perder de vista las galletitas gratis de la oficina, armarse de valor y guardar en el armario los vestiditos de tirantes. Es que de las playitas paradisiacas mejor no hablo, que lloro.

Son, tambien y sobre todo, esas pequenas cosas a las que me he malacostumbrado. Que las dependientas te lleven los trapitos al probador, que los camareros te sonrian, que la gente te llame miss y asuma que aunque vayas vestida como una sin techo hay que tratarte como a una senora. Ser altisima. Tener un club de fans alla donde voy. No mirar la lista de precios en los resturantes. Llamar a un tecnico y que aparezcan tres solo para mi. Que unas 500 personas en la oficina se sepan mi nombre. Que cada dia haya algo que no he probado nunca en la cafeteria (no puedo, no puedo volver a la carne con patatas).

Y que va a pasar la proxima vez que vaya a un bar en Europa? Va a ser terrible. Sospecho que voy a tener que pagarme mis propias copas, y nadie me va a recordar lo guapisima que soy. Por no hablar de otros detallitos que tienen los hombres aqui, como ofrecerse a ser tu taxista, pagar cenas y comidas, y regatear el precio de la fruta. Y aun asi, desde esta posicion privilegiada, mantener intacto el orgullo femista, con eso de que en mi pais las cosas se hacen asi, y somos todas asi de discolas.

Coming back to Europe is going to be very tough. For me and for the people around me. It is not only the trauma of leaving my dozens of square meters in the fabulous condo with palm trees and swimming pool and an astonishing view to come back to the modest, although bohemian, hole I rent in Prague. It is not only losing the two euros lobsters and come back to the random meat with potatoes, quitting the roti canai (bread with lentils curry) in the mornings and come back to the instant coffee, assume that I’m going to miss the free cookies in the poultry, be brave enough to hide in the wardrobe the summer dresses… Don’t get me started with the paradise islands, because I could cry.

It is not only all that, but also and overall those little things that spoiled me here. Shop assistants carrying your chosen clothes to the fitting cabin, like in Pretty Woman, waiters smiling, people calling you “miss” and treating you like a queen even if you are dressed like a homeless. Being veeery tall. Having a fans club wherever I go. Don’t bother to look at the prices in the restaurants, calling a technician and having three of them ready to help you. Around 500 people in the office knowing my name. Having something new and weird in the canteen everyday (I can’t, I really can’t go back to the random meat with potatoes).

And, what is going to happen next time I go to a bar in Europe? It is going to be terrible. I strongly suspect that nobody is going to pay my drinks, and nobody is going to remind me how beautiful I am. Ah, guys here… they are happy to offer themselves to be your taxi driver, pay your dinner and lunch, and even bargain in the market for you. And still, you can keep your feministic pride because you can always excuse yourself with “In my country girls are like this” while you grab another only-for-men beer.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ha ha ha I essepcially like the part about being very tall :)
Spoiled girl, you should come to moms kitchen when Praha depresses you too much with meat and patoteos and you dont have enough money to go to KL.. Kisses
(by the way,i am planing to visit you when you come home)

9:08 p. m.  
Blogger Emma said...

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11:27 a. m.  
Blogger Emma said...

Nata, you are right, so sad that you are leaving :( Really have fun with u & Ondrej in taman negara..
u will miss Malaysia soon..
hope will see you around in future..some time plz drop funny or naughty mail to me..he he he..


11:27 a. m.  

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