Para bodas, bautizos y comuniones

La proxima vez que me pregunten sobre mi boda, ya se que contestar. La verdad es que lo vi clarisimo cuando pase por delante de ese jardincito de Angkor Wat. Please, find diagram attached. Pincha en la foto para ampliar.
Es un templo, asi que tiene cierto sentido organizar una boda ahi. Y no creo que sea muy caro alquilarlo. En Camboya un hotel decente cuesta 5 dolares la noche. Ademas, no estoy pidiendo todo el templo, es solo un cachito. Ni siquiera el cachito mas visitado.
I know what to answer the next time somebody asks me about my wedding. I saw it clear. I was walking in that cute garden in Angkor Wat and had the revelation. Please, find diagram attached. Click to enlarge.
It is a temple, so it makes sense to organize a wedding there. And I don’t think it would be very expensive to rent it. In Cambodia you can get a decent hotel for 5 dollars a night. Besides, I’m not asking for the whole temple, it is just a small part, not even the most visited part.
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