Beware of falling coconuts

Aventuras en el sudeste asiatico

miércoles, septiembre 13, 2006

Aventuras en little Tibet

Dharamsala es una ciudad extrana. Lo llaman tambien “little tibet”, es donde vive el Dalai Lama y esta lleno de monjes tibetanos y jipis con rastas y ropa de a 100 rupias, pero eso no es lo extrano. Lo extrano es que la mayoria de la gente pasea por la calle con tal cara de alucinado que te hace pensar que se reparten pastillas a la puerta de los monasterios. Si no fuera porque los monjes son los que tienen los pies mas en la tierra. Se pasan las horas debatiendo, lo que me parece muy sano, leen el periodico y dan paseitos. Mientras tanto, los aprendices de jipis aparcan sus landrovers con pegatinas de “save Tibet” en uel espacio habilitado al efecto en uno de los retiros y meditan y hacen yoga y ponen carteles “no dejen a los perritos entrar en la cocina” y por alguna razon salen megasonrientes y super en paz consigo mismos.

Martin y yo estabamos explorando uno de esos retiros, en completo silencio como nos pedian los carteles colgados en los arboles “por favor, silencio, gente meditando” y a mi en lugar de paz me estaban entrando ganas de prender fuego a cosas (siempre me pasa) mientras los monos se dedicaban a mover los arboles encima nuestro, salpicando y tirando hojas. Pense que esos monos le tienen que perturbar a uno la meditacion y que deberian poner unos carteles advirtiendo.

Martin, que en su vida no ha visto muchos monos, estaba concentradisimo sacando fotos a las mamas correteando con los monitos colgados, que chillaban cada vez que saltaba el flash. Esto cabreo a unos cuantos machos que corrieron hacia nosotros ensenando los dientes y chillando. Y yo me acojone. Porque no tengo la antirrabica entre otras cosas, y porque esos bichos me llegaban a la rodilla y nos superaban numericamente. Asi que me agarre a Martin y trate de ocultarme cobardemente detras de el. Y Martin, que hizo Martin? Martin hizo caso omiso de los carteles pidiendo no perturbar la meditacion y lanzo un GRRRRRROOOAAARRRRRR digno de final del rey leon. Los monos pararon en seco, nos miraron un par de segundos y se marcharon con el rabo entre las patas haciendo uhu uhu. Claro, acostumbrados a jipis afeminados…

En fin, que tengo que admitir que es bueno saber que una tiene un hombre de verdad en casa que sabe cuidar de la familia.

Dharamsala is a strange city. It is called also “little Tibet”, is where the Dalai Lama lives and it is full of Tibetan monks and hippies with greasy hair and 100 rupees clothes, but this is not the strange thing. The strange thing is that most of the people walks on the street with such a happy face that you may think that they are distributing happy pills in the monasteries. But actually the monks seem serious people. They debate and read newspapers and walk in the mountains. While the hippies park their Land Rovers with stickers “Save Tibet” in the space designed to that end in the retirement places and meditate and do yoga and put notes on the windows “don’t allow the puppies get into the kitchen” and for some reason came out extra smiling and mega in peace.

Martin and I were exploring one of those places, in complete silence, since they were asking for that in notes hanging on the trees “silence, please, meditation in progress” and I was feeling like burning the whole place while some monkeys were playing moving the trees just above our heads wetting and throwing us leaves. I thought that the monkeys for sure were disturbing the meditation and they should put a note for them.

Martin, that hasn’t seen many monkeys in his life, was very concentrated taking pictures of the moms with the kiddies hanging and shouting every time the flash came out. This for sure upset some males that run toward us shouting and showing teeth and nails. And I got scared. Because I didn’t get the antirrabics vaccination and because those things were quite tall and higher in number. So I grabbed Martin and hide behind him. And Martin, what did Martin do? Martin paid no attention to the notes asking for silence and performed a GRRRRRROOOAAARRRRRR suitable for the end of the lion king. The monkeys stopped, looked to us a couple of seconds and run away doing uhu uhu and accepting that the enemy was too big for them. Of course, they are used to those sissy hippies.

So, yes, I have to admit it is good to find out that you have a real man home that will take care of the family.